Thursday, July 18, 2013

The meltdown

Tonight both girls had a total meltdown because they both wanted to sleep with me. After hearing several arguments from both of them, I told them that both could sleep with me if they wanted, thinking that would finally end the argument. But Sofia insisted that she wanted to sleep ONLY with me, and that it wasn't fair that Bella would also get to sleep with me as she did the night before. Bella didn't care if they both slept with me, but since Sofia wanted to push her out then she went and found other arguments. Then both started crying. Then, Bella started saying that she was sad that she made Sofia sad, and that because of that she was the worst person ever ... Oh, and that nobody loved her! The argument continued, the cries continued, and then Sofia decided that she no longer was sleeping with me because - although she still really really wanted to - she no longer deserved to sleep with me because she had been mean to her sister.

The whole nonsense lasted way more than it should have, but eventually they both - unhappily and all - fell asleep in different beds. Bella got to fall asleep next to me, but I have since gotten up to write my blog and do other things. I think I will go and sleep with Sofia now, even though by now she has totally passed out and is no longer crying foul.

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