Thursday, July 31, 2014

Day 61 - Pieces of home

I always love it when I visit different places and find things that we also had at home growing up. Today's find where bugambilias and Flor de Calabaza, two absolute classics in my book.

Day 61 - Nice is nice

This afternoon we arrived in Nice, and I definitely like what I see. Our rented apartment has a great location, is very comfortable, and has an amazing view. Since we arrived in the late afternoon we didn't have much time to unpack and settle down, but we did go buy some breakfast food, and walked to nearby town for dinner, which was also full of charm. This is definitely my type of place and I can't wait to continue exploring it tomorrow.

Day 61 - Nothing says Europe like...

There are some things that remain the same no matter where you are in the world, but there are a few things that are absolutely typical of Europe such as the tiny narrow sinks, the super tight parking lots where even an excellent driver runs the risk of hitting something, and second hand smoke galore. Super random thoughts, I know.

Day 61 - Rainbow Loom Bands

When we were at the market we found a guy selling rainbow loom bands. Those things are really everywhere! Of course the girls asked me to buy them some, and I agreed to get one bag for each one of them ... mainly because I figured that whatever helps them entertain themselves during our drives is a really good thing.

Day 61 - Aix-en-Provence

Since last night we arrived in Aix-en-Provence so late, and the kids were exhausted, this morning they slept in until 10:30 am. Sofia always needs her sleep, but that is probably the latest Bella has ever slept in. When we finally got going we walked around town for a little while -  it is actually really quaint and nice. We walked into a ceramic shop where they had all kinds of figurines mainly because in the display they had the figurine of a painter - which Sofia really liked. We checked out a street market where I bought some awesome small leather purses for a great prize, we had lunch, and by then it was already time to head out and start our drive to Nice.

Day 61 - Aix-en-Provence Apartment

The place where we stayed in Aix-en-Provence was very unique: A modern house build over the frame of an ancient building. Living there would be completely impractical for us, but staying there one night was kind of interesting.

Day 60 - Fifi in traffic

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 60 - The car, the seats, and the fire

This morning we left Barcelona to drive to Aix-en-Provence, where we are spending the night on our way to Nice. It was supposed to be a pretty uneventful day, but turned out to be more than that.

The car

Our first stop was to pick up our rental car - a brand new Renault -  which we learned we could rent directly from the manufacturer thanks to my friend Ryan who took a sabbatical last summer. The car was indeed there, ready for us, except for one little problem ... It did not have the car seats for the girls, which we requested and paid quite a hefty fee for. The guys at the delivery center told us that this was Renault's fault, because they were supposed to send the car exactly with everything we had requested. They called them to complain about it, but we didn't have much choice other than take the car and accept that we will have to call Renault later, when we are back home, to request our refund. But for now, I am considering it sunk cost. On the plus side, the car was bigger than we expected (we were really nervous about our luggage not fitting in there) and Sofia and I liked that it is white, because it reminds us of my previous Mazda 9.

The seats

Since we didn't have the car seats, and it would be illegal and unsafe to drive without them, our first challenge was to find the closest Carrefour to buy new ones. The rental place gave us some instructions, but we also had to stop at a gas station to ensure we didn't spend too much time driving around aimlessly.  The selection at Carrefour wasn't particularly great, at least they didn't have any brands we recognized, but clearly we needed to buy them. We ended up with matching pink and black Hello Kitty seats, which made the girls happy.

The fire

After we got the car seats we had a quick lunch at McDonalds - if only because it was right outside of Carrefour and we didn't want to waste any more time before getting on the highway - and started our drive towards France. This time around we were guided by our friendly GPS and its confusing British accent. But alas, we were on our way. Unfortunately about half way through our 5 hour drive all traffic came to a halt because of a fire right besides the highway. Initially we couldn't see much, but later we could see all the smoke, some of the flames, and several planes carrying water trying to control it. The highway on the opposite direction had already been closed, because there were no cars coming. Since it was taking so long most of the people got out of their cars to walk around, and couple guys even started playing soccer on the opposite side of the highway. Our main worry was the girls of course, and whether they would get hungry or need to use the restroom. Fortunately I always bring food with me, and we still had plums and peaches we bought yesterday as well as a big bottle of water. Sofia did have to go to the bathroom, and was initially horrified when  we told her she would have to go by the bushes on the side of the road, but she quickly realized that there was no other choice. And she felt much less stressed after she went. We also joked with her that now she is a real traveler because of it. That brought an embarrassed smile to her face - a smile nonetheless. Bella didn't need to go - she was just bored.

Even though it was a painful experience overall the girls did great. They understood there wasn't much we could do, and for the most part kept a smile on their face. I was very proud of them. I was also proud of myself because I kept my cool the entire time. I really don't think I complained about even once. Yes, it was inconvenient, and yes, it ruined our plans, but it was up to us to let it ruin our mood as well. After all, how could I complain about it when I was just sitting there while the firefighters were battling the flames? I just pulled one of my books out, and read for the bulk of our wait.

When it was all said and done we were there for about 3 and a half hours, but eventually all traffic started moving again. We grabbed a quick bite at a rest stop, and got on our way again. By the time we finally reached our destination after a 12 hour journey it was past 10:00 pm, but our host hung in there until then to give us the keys - one more thing to be grateful for on this day.

The girls are finally asleep, Lionel just went down, and I will be next. Its been fun and all, but its time to call it a day.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 59 - Camp Nou

Even though I don't know much about soccer, one of the things I do know is that Barca is supposed to be one of the best teams around. Although I don't really follow their accomplishments on the field, I must say that their tour experience is definitely first class. Besides the typical museum - story of the club stuff - we got to see the lockers, walk down the steps that lead the players to the field during a match, visit the press room, and take a picture pretending to lift one of the many trophies. I believe I can say, with a high degree of certainty, that this last was by far Lionel's favorite part today.

The tour ends with a massive "gift shop", or more like a Mega Barca store, that sells anything from the team jerseys to Barca wine, snacks, and bubble gum. Everything is so well orchestrated to connect with you that if by the end of the tour you don't feel like buying something Barca, you may not have a heart.