Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 45 - Mami-Bella time

Today was Sofia's turn to go to the Goddard school, so it was Mami-Bella time. After dropping Sofia off we started with Bella's swim lesson, and even though she initially said she wanted to go to Dewey's for lunch afterward she later changed her mind and decided to grab lunch at home - so we did. In fact, she wanted to stay home to have eggs with hot dog, our default-can't-think-of-anything-better-to-make meal.

After lunch we went to her tennis lesson, first one ever outdoors, and she did relatively well ... at least when she actually listened. I think Bella has an athletic bone in her, so hopefully she will stick with at least one of the sports she is trying out now.

In the afternoon we paid a quick visit to Juilfs Park and we then went to the movies to watch Rio 2, which I thought was a bit boring but she liked. She started the movie sitting on my lap, since she was a little afraid of the big screen and the loud sound, but half way through it I convinced her to sit on her own. I think it helped that she was clenching to the popcorn bag.

By the time we left the movie theater Bella was eager to pick Sofia back up. She didn't say it in so many words, but when I offered to make another stop OR pick Sofia up, Bella said she definitely wanted to get her sister first.

Having dedicated time with each one of them is a good thing. Besides spending quality time together, I think that being apart is showing them how to appreciate each other a bit more.

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