Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 35 - Reds game

This afternoon we went to the reds game, which also happened to be Bella's very first reds game ever. Since she is not a sit-peacefully-in-your-seat-and-watch-anything-for-more-than-a-few-minutes type of girl, we had been waiting for the right moment to take her. But who really knows what the right time is for that, so today we just went with it. Since we did several of the kids activities she did well for the most part, but of course in between eating, doing the activities, etc, we probably only watched half the game - if that. And even then, towards the last couple innings she was ready to go so I had to break down and give her my phone to entertain her. 

Sofia, on the other hand, was right in her element. She was proud to show Bella around - since she has been there with Lionel several times - and enjoyed going in the batting cage where she actually hit the ball couple times. Lionel also gave it a try.

After the game Lionel went to buy food for the week, since we hadn't even done that, and the girls and I went to pay a quick visit to my parents, since we hadn't seen them all week. And that was that for the 4th of July weekend. We kept pretty busy the entire time, and now we need to rest and recover from it.

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