Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 31 - Calm Down Jars

I never had much of an interest in creating a Pinterest account, since I figured it would only make me want to spend more money on stuff. But I finally broke down and created one so that I could "pin" all the articles about running that I see come across on Facebook. So now that I have an account, things of interest are starting to show up ... and I like it! 

Yesterday I saw something related to "calm down jars", which I had never heard about but sounded interesting - so I read on. For anybody who is not in the know, just like I was, the whole point of these things is to ... well ... help you calm down! And as anybody with kids can attest to, when there are kids involved there is always someone who will lose it and will need to relax.

Once I learned what they are all about I had to have one! So today we headed to the store to buy everything we needed and created our very own calm down jars for Bella, Sofia, and I. The concept is actually quite simple, as you only need a bottle, glitter glue, food coloring, extra glitter, and warm water. You mix them, shake them up vigorously, and voila, there is your jar. For added interest you can also add a mini-figurine, which in our case was Lego girls. Mine unfortunately lost its head as I was pushing it in (was that a sign?), but what are you going to do? I guess my jar will be a little disturbing to look at.

The idea is that when somebody needs to calm down they can go get the bottle, shake it vigorously again, and then sit there until all the glitter settles back at the bottom - which can take quite a bit of time. Pretty straightforward, right? Making the bottles was fun. Now let's see how it works for us in real life.

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