Monday, July 28, 2014

Day 57 - Barcelona Day 1

Yesterday morning we arrived in Barcelona at about 10:00 am, tired but surprisingly not completely exhausted - which was good since we couldn't get into our rented apartment until 2:00 pm. The immigration line was a bit long, but the start of the line was not obvious - immediate sign you are already in Europe - so we went to where we thought was the start of it. Turns out it wasn't, and we in fact cut in front of a lot of people, but nobody seemed to notice.

After debating for a bit whether to take the train, the bus, or at taxi, we settled into taking a taxi. This was a good decision because it was by far the more convenient with all our stuff, the taxi driver was courteous, and he didn't over charge us (always a plus). We went straight to Plaza Catalunya, where there is a place to rent lockers for a few hours, so we could leave our stuff there and walk around a bit to kill time. We walked around the Barrio Gotico, visited the Cathedral, and had a jamon Iberico sandwich on the go.

When we were finally able to get into the apartment we took a couple hours nap, and went out for a short walk and dinner to a nearby Restaurant recommended by our hosts. Since we are staying at a more residential neighborhood - instead of right by the touristic areas - the meal was pretty good. Bella had her stuffed puppy with her and insisted that we took couple pictures with it. We had fun with it, and decided that - as long as we don't lose it - it will become our travel gnome. 

After dinner we decided not to push it with the girls, and come back to the apartments right away to take showers and go to bed.

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