Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 59 - Barcelona Day 3

Today we covered a lot of ground. We started with La Sagrada familia, followed by Montjuic, followed by Camp Nou - which is by far what Lionel enjoyed the most. The girls did a great job hanging in there, but towards the end they definitely started to whine. We took the subway throughout the day, but there was still plenty of walking around. So after coming back to the apartment to rest and take showers (by then it was already close to 7:00 pm), we only went out again for dinner - and we totally chose the restaurant based on distance. Sure, we also went online and considered reviews, but distance was most definitely the main deciding factor.

There were too many pictures from the day to fit in one single blog post, so I am going to split them all and post them next in their own post.

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