Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Day 53 - Isabelle

For the last few years Sofia has been doing chores - with somewhat doubtful quality but oh well - so she could save for Isabelle, the American Girl Doll she wanted so badly. Last week I finally ordered it for her, and today she got in in the mail. She was super excited about it, and wants to take it on the trip with us. Lionel is not too excited about the idea, but as far as I am concerned she can take it as long as she is responsible for it the entire time. I have told her that nobody is going to help her carry it, since we will have our hands full with our luggage. The one condition is that whatever she decides to take has to fit in her backpack. We know her blankie will be a MUST, so if there is only room for one or the other, it will be an easy decision for her.

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