Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 13 - Pool party

Today Lionel took the girls to French class while I stayed at home continuing to clean the kitchen which, much to my dislike, is turning out to be longer than a 1 day project. After that the girls and I went to tennis lesson, and then headed to my friend Carissa's house for a pool party with the interns.

The girls spent 4 hours at the pool, pretty much from the time we arrived to the time we left, so by the time we came back home they were completely exhausted. That made for an interesting shower and dinner time, but they are now finally down. Before they were done for the day though, they spent some time getting ready for father's day.

1 comment:

  1. From tennis to 4 hours of swimming? Well, that’s the good kind of exhaustion. Your girls will grow up sociable and athletic with those sports and pool party activities they frequently grace their presence with. Then, there is the French class. You’re surely doing a great job with your parenting. Cheers!

    Lindsay Wood @ PoolShopWA
