Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 17 - It won't be easy...

This is my third week away from work, and as I get settled into my summer routine I was thinking earlier today that going back to "normal" certainly won't be easy. It will be particularly difficult for Bella - or maybe for me because of her- since she is the little one and as such she is quite attached to me. Sofia is having a great time as well, but at 9 years old she is definitely a lot more independent. Bella, on the other hand, still wants to be with me 24x7.  When I go out for dinner with friends, and she doesn't see me right before going to bed, she even comes check on me in the middle of the night as if she wanted to confirm that I indeed made it back. The other day, when I woke up before her, she even asked me to go back to my bed so she could get in there and cuddle with me for two minutes. How could I say no to that?

It definitely won't be easy, but for now I will try not to think about that.

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