Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 22 - Seattle day 3

Yesterday was our last day in Seattle, so we took advantage of it and did a lot of touristy things. But first, in the morning we met my friend Christine at one of the multiple Starbucks to say hi real quick. She used to work with me at P&G, but just a few weeks ago made the move to Seattle to start over with a new company. We then walked around downtown a bit more, and headed to Seattle Center to have lunch at the space needle. In there we had an interesting dessert, and afterwards we did one of those duck tours. It wasn't my first choice, but the others wanted to do it and I decided to be a good sport. And it was kind of cheesy, but not as bad as I thought.  We then went to a baseball game, and from there headed to the airport. The game was actually nice - except for the last couple innings that lasted forever - but my favorite part was when it started to rain and the moving roof started to come in. As a closet Engineer, that was interesting to me. Unfortunately our flight back was the red eye one and we had to connect through Minneapolis, so I barely slept last night. When I finally got home I took a 2 hour nap, which helped me get through the rest of the day.

This was a good little trip and I had fun with my friends, but I was also happy to be back home and see Lionel and the girls. Even though I enjoyed my "me" time, I also miss them when I am not with them.

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