Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 19 - Happy 40th Birthday Tia Gabi!!!

Today was tia Gabi's 40th Birthday and as tradition would have it we celebrated as a family ... and with cake. In the afternoon we first had lunch together except for Diego (who was at daycare) and my dad (who was at work). My mom and I then hung out together and did some shopping for a little bit while Gabi, Lionel, Raj, and the girls rushed back to Gabi's house to watch the World Cup games. We then went our merry way. My mom went back home to make dinner to bring to Gabi's house later at night, and I went back home to finish the cakes.Since it was a special birthday we had not one, but two cakes. I made both of them: One of chocolate - since Gabi has always liked chocolate - and one in the shape of a giant donut - because Gabi is also quite fond of those.  That was my special gift to her, plus a custom made silly t-shirt with the picture of a donut on it, simply because I thought it would be funny and she could wear it around the house or as pijamas right after the baby is born and before she is able to get back into her normal clothes.  The girls also wanted to bring a gift for Tia, so Sofia made her a loom bands bracelet and a card that pictured both of them shopping for bags and for jewelery. Bella, on the other hand, drew a picture of the two of them running, and told us a whole story about how she and Tia ran so fast, that everybody else finished the race 30 minutes after them. Since she didn't have any other gifts prepared, she also tossed one of her stuffed animals in a bag along with some of her coins. If I had to guess, I'd say that all her coins didn't even add up to 50 cents. But it is the thought that counts, especially with little ones.After dinner and cake cutting the evening was pretty much over, so we headed back home. But before the day is officially over, I will say one more time: Happy Birthday Gabi! I love you lots!

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