Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 17 - Another perfect summer day

Today was a pretty awesome day. After my morning yoga stretches Bella and I got started playing Scrabble Jr until Sofia woke up, because she really wanted to play it the night before but we ran out of time. I then baked cupcakes, just because I felt like it, and in the afternoon we picked up Abuelita to have lunch downtown and check out one of the newest parks by the riverfront. In there the girls checked out a labyrinth made of grass and concrete, we enjoyed sitting on the swings, and the girls ran around in the water while Abuelita sat down on the grass under a shade. At some point even I got in the water with Bella because Sofia was tired and didn't want to do it anymore, and Bella was having so much fun that I just wanted to share that moment with her.  It was very hot outside, but there was also a bit of a breeze which made it a lot more manageable. 

Eventually we had to make our way back to the car and head back home, but I would have happily stayed longer if only because the water, the view, the swings, the breeze, and certainly the company, made it quite a lovely and relaxing time.  It just made me so happy. This is exactly the type of day I was longing for when I decided to take time off.

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