Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 9 - What I have learned so far

This is only my second week of sabbatical, but there are some things that are quickly becoming evident:

1) The days seem a lot shorter than when I am at work. Maybe it is because we have been getting up late and by the time we get out the door is close to lunch time. Maybe it is because I am being a lot less productive in general - which is kind of the point of taking time off.

2) Even with not working, there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything I wish I could do.

3) Even after spending all day with the girls, I still feel the need to spend quality time together while putting them to bed - instead of rushing back downstairs. I guess I just can't get enough of them!

4) Even after spending all day with them, I still feel bad trying to carve time out to do things just by or for myself - it is weird how that works. That mom "guilt" is certainly alive and well.

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