Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 23 - Bella's gymnastics show

The girls had their last gymnastics class of this session last week, but today there was a showcase for all the 5-6 year olds in Level 1, which Bella is part of. Sofia's is tomorrow. They were organized in 4 rotations - as in a real gymnastics competition - and one by one the little girls showed us their routines. After each rotation they got an "Outstanding effort" ribbon, and at the end all of them got a medal and got to stand at the made-up podium. Then, to closeout the night, the older girls - that have obviously been doing it for a while - also showed some of their routines. As a kid gymnastics was always my favorite sport, so I really enjoyed that they did it. I didn't make a video of it because I thought it would be creepy to make a video of somebody else's kids, but I wish others had been there to see it.

I didn't know ahead of time that the flow of the day would be like this, but I liked how they did it. I think every detail had a purpose, which was to give the girls a sense of "what could be one day".

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