Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day 64 - Milan

Today we drove from nice to Milan to visit Thierry, Lionel' s brother. Unfortunately his wife and kids are away, so we missed them, but it was nice to see him - even if it is only for one day.

Since we got stuck in traffic for a little bit, and the girls got hungry, on our way to Milan we stopped by a rest stop to get something quick to eat. By the time we got to Milan it was 3:00 pm, and since we have been go go go all week, we just sat around at Thierry's apartment hanging out and getting some rest. The girls found their cousins' legos and couple other toys, which really helped them entertain themselves. Then, in the evening, we asked Thierry if we could stop by the famous Duomo, since we had never been there, on our way to dinner. There really wasn't much to do there, so it was a quick visit.

Tomorrow we are leaving early. Our next stop is in a really quiet, rustic place, where - I hope - we will have a relaxing couple days. No internet there though, so our next blog post will probably need to wait.

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