Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 79 - 13th Wedding Anniversary

Even though my goal for this trip was to pack light, I did pack a nice dress that I thought I could wear for our anniversary dinner. I knew we wouldn't be able to go to a fancy place with the girls, but I thought the dress wouldn't be too much for a regular nice place. Unfortunately I wasn't counting on the cold weather - since my dress is strapless - so I just wore my regular outfit from the day. But as it turns out it was a good thing I didn't dress up, because our anniversary dinner was a bit of a disaster.

The girls brought their colored pencils to the restaurant, to entertain themselves while we waited for the food. Bella suggested that we all drew a mitten, so we did, and Sofia made us a card. Unfortunately the whole thing went downhill quickly, as Bella refused to eat her food and a whole drama ensued that ended with her and Lionel leaving the restaurant and walking around for a few minutes. Sofia and I stayed at the restaurant, but needless to say I could have also stood up and leave right there and then.

If I wasn't feeling all the great before - since this nagging cough won't go away, and the cool weather doesn't help - I was certainly feeling awful by the end of the meal. So when we got back to the apartment we put the girls to bed and I crashed right away. Physically and emotionally I was completely exhausted, and I didn't want to utter another word, have another thought, or interact with anybody or anything.

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