Sunday, August 17, 2014

Day 78 - One more time...

Tonight, when the girls asked if they could go on the carrousel that is a block from our rental in Tours, I of course said yes once again. They were laughing out loud during the ride, smiles big and wide, waving at us every time they went around and around. Their smiles filled my heart with joy, and I enthusiastically waved back every time.

I know Lionel doesn't necessarily share my enthusiasm, and gets annoyed with them wanting to go in there every time. He initially rolls his eyes when they ask, then he tries to say no, and then he impatiently walks around waiting for the ride to be over. But what I told him tonight, that he needs to remember and internalize, is that this will not last forever. One day we will be the ones asking them if they want to go to the carrousel, and they will be the ones rolling their eyes at us: "No, thanks!"

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