Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 72 - Leaving Saint Die

Lionel's cousin and his family have been great, doing everything they can to make us feel welcome. But there is one thing that hasn't worked in my favor during our stay: They have 5 cats. We didn't know ahead of time since simply it didn't occur to us to ask. The house is open and well ventilated, and the cats spend most of the day outside, which has helped. But still, after 3 days of cat exposure my body has had enough. Luckily I brought my allergy medicine with me, and have been taking it consistently, but last night my throat was closing making it painful to swallow, my nose is runny, and my eyes are very dry. Makes me sad to say it, because I wish all the cousins could spend more time together - but it is a good thing we are leaving today.

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