Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 68 - Lucerne Transportation Musem

This afternoon - after the playground - we went to the Lucerne Transportation Museum. It was supposed to be a rainy afternoon, so we thought the museum would be a good option to have fun and avoid getting soaked. Also, the museum was recently featured in the Amazing Race - which Sofia and Lionel watch together - so Lionel thought Sofia would get a kick out of going there.

The museum is a pretty cool place, very well done and with a lot of interactive opportunities, so we enjoyed our time there. The girls particularly enjoyed a construction zone just for kids where you could drive machinery around a small track. 

After the museum we took a boat ride back to the old town - where our hotel is - because by then everybody was tired, including myself. By then I had already put on about 10 miles on my legs. When we got off the boat, as we were walking back, there was a group of guys playing classical instruments that were putting on a pretty good show. We have no clue what language they were singing in, but they sounded pretty good.

At the hotel we rested a little bit, took showers, and headed out for dinner.  Luckily we didn't go far, because everybody was tired and the girl's temper (especially Sofia) was starting to flare. We then walked couple blocks to "Dieci", which we read was pretty good ice cream, and came back to the hotel. 

Tomorrow we are packing up again. Our next stop is Saint Die, where we are spending couple days with one of Lionel's cousins who lives there. I am excited for Lionel to see his cousin, and for the girls to see other children, so hopefully we have a good time there. 

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