Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Day 74 - Le Mont-St-Michel

Today we went to Le Mont-St-Michel, which I was really looking forward to. So we got up, had breakfast, got ready, got in the car, and drove there.

Obviously I knew we wouldn't be the only ones there, but I was not prepared - none of us was - for how ridiculously crowded it was. I am sorry to say, but it did not make for an enjoyable experience. It was so crowded that when we were trying to get out, we literally got stuck for at least 10 minutes without being able to take one single step. I guess there were too many people trying to get out and too many people trying to come in at the same time - and nobody would move.

This was a classical example of when seeing something from afar is much better than getting close and personal. I am still glad we came, because now we know ... and we at least get to "check the box". That makes one less place that we want to visit in our lifetime.

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