Friday, June 18, 2010

Bella's incident...

Tonight, when I picked up the girls after work, one of Bella's teachers announced: "I have an incident report for you".

When teachers welcome you that way, it can only mean one of 3 things ... none of them good:

1) Your child did something he/she shouldn't (such as biting, hitting, etc.)
2) Somebody did something to your child (such as biting, hitting, etc.)
3) Your child got randomly hurt (like the time Sofia caught a frisbee with her face).

"What happened? What did she do?" I said, remembering how once, when she was still in the baby's room, she bit someone as they were fighting for a book. "Nothing. She got bitten by another child", she responded.

I feel bad about this, but I was kind of relieved. Not that I was happy about her getting hurt, but I was happy that she was not the one causing somebody else any pain. And she was ok. Apparently the offender (names are never disclosed) came all the way from the other side of the room and bit my Bella in her arm. Good thing she still has plenty of baby fat.

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