Thursday, June 24, 2010

Little Sister. Big friend.

This afternoon, when I picked up the girls from school, I went through the regular motions: collect the crafts of the day, put empty containers in backpacks, get dailies. Except that today, when I got Bella's daily, there was a hand written yellow sticky note on it.  Here is what it said:

Dear Isabella's parents,

My daughter, Molly, has recently started at Goddard and we had a rough drop-off this morning. She was very upset, and your daughter, Isabella, was so kind to her. Molly loves to play with the dolls, and Isabella brought one over to her as if to say: We can have fun today. So I wanted to let you know how sweet and caring your daughter was.

Thank you!

This was written about our [almost] 19 month old girl, who takes after her sister in her caring ways.

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