Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just when it couldn't get any worse...

Today my work day started with me being ignored. I had just arrived to the office, and was walking down one of the main hallways, when I ran into somebody at a pretty high level in my company. There was nobody else around; it was only the two of us. So I did what I always do when I make eye contact with somebody at work, whether I know them or not. I said "Good Morning" and smiled.  This person then looked at me. But instead of saying something back, smile, or at the very least shake her head Hello, she decided to look at me, look away, and keep walking. "Wow!" I thought. "How incredibly rude is that?"

Later in the day I got attitude from somebody who was probably bitter because they did not get their way. So I guess they decided to take it out on me.

But not everything about my day was bad.

Lionel picked up Sofia from school so that I could have a moment to myself and go workout. And my amazing mom, who had already spent the day taking care of our devil little girl, also made us dinner, and made the big girl's bed.

If my mom only knew what a difference she made in my day!

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