Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fun in the sun

All things considered, today was a great day. We were disappointed to see Mexico lose against Argentina in the world cup, but at least we were in good company. Some of our friends came over and hung out with us all day. We watched the first game at 10:00am, then grilled out for lunch, and then watch the Mexico game at 2:30pm.

It was really hot out there, so it was a good day to hang out by the pool. We did not make it all the way to the neighborhood pool, but instead used an inflatable one I bought for just $25. The girls had such a great time! Isabella did not want to get out. Every time I told her it was time to get out she said "No! No!", and waved her arms so I couldn't get a hold of her.

While they were playing I just stood by them with a watchful eye. Sofia does great at the pool by now, but Isabella can still slip and go down. So I wanted to make sure I was prepared to pick her up if I had to. It was so hot that I finally gave up and stepped inside the pool. And sat on the edge to hang out with them. It felt so good that I did not even mind getting my dress all wet. Eventually Lionel joined us as well.

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