Saturday, June 26, 2010

Too little, too late

Lionel has made me so mad today. Once again, I ended up cleaning the front yard all by myself. He is just like my ex-coworker from hell. She seemed to believe that if she pretended to not see things, the work would just go away. The truth is, somebody else had to compensate.

I've been telling him for over a month that we need to clean the front yard. And with each passing week, things just got worse and worse. The last time I brought it up he told me "Nobody will notice. You are the only one who sees it". And yes, he was referring to the 4 FEET WEEDS right besides the front door. That really is some nerve... And the fact is that even if I was really the only one seeing it, does that mean that I don't matter? It doesn't even bother him that I am unhappy about it?

As we say in Spanish: "No hay mas ciego que el que no quiere ver".

This weekend we are having people over, and not even that made him do something about it. I know he is busy, just like me. But he did not have to do it himself. He could have just hired somebody, but I guess doing that was just too much effort. I really wish he took more pride on the way his house looks from the outside.

Since I don't want my friends to be welcomed by a nasty front yard, I took matters into my own hands and decided to get out there. Half way through, Lionel came out and asked me if I wanted him to come out and help. Sorry pal, that is too little too late.

So now I am done, and the yard looks much better. But I am hot, and dirty, and almost sunburned, despite using sun block. And I am very mad at him. So I am locked in the bathroom, writing this. Because after all that hard work, I think I deserve a moment of peace.

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