Friday, June 4, 2010

Girly Girl

This summer Sofia can't go to her Tennis class, since they moved it to a time that is completely inconvenient for working parents. So in order to keep her athletic spirit going, we decided to sign her up to another sport. We scanned the possibilities and ended up giving her a choice of either Soccer or Baseball.  She chose the latter. Not surprising, considering she has played with a bat before and she can actually hit the ball.

Yesterday I received a phone call to remind me that her class starts tomorrow morning, and that she needs to bring her own mitt. So this morning Lionel and I were discussing who would stop by and get it after work. Sofia wasn't sure what we were talking about, so we had to remind her we had signed her up for that class. She then told me: "I don't know how to play baseball". To which I replied: "That is Ok. They are going to teach you". She then had just one request: "Can Daddy buy me a pink mitt? I want it to be pink".

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