Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Up and down. Up and down.

The other night we were having dinner when I had to get up for literally about the 10th time. The reason? One of the kids needed something ... AGAIN.

It never fails. You sit down, and one of them needs an extra napkin. So you go get it ... By then, the other one spills something all over herself. So you run upstairs to get a new outfit. You make it back… You are then finally about to put a bite in your mouth when child #1 announces she needs help cutting her food. Aargh…

So I asked Lionel: "How many times, on average, do you think we get up during each meal? Because I think it's at least 20". “Nah. That's too many", he said.

I am sure he is dead wrong. So I told myself that next time I would count each and everytime one of us had to get up. The problem is, everytime I actuallly thought about counting I quickly got distracted by having to get up yet again. Funny how that works…

So if anybody reading this has small children, and you have a good estimate on the amount of times you have to get up during a meal, please let me know.

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