Saturday, June 5, 2010


This morning Sofia had her first T-ball class. We were all going, and were doing our best to show up on time:

Lionel: "Come on, come on girls, hurry up!..."
Me: "Sofia, Isabella, listas?, apurenseee!..."
Lionel: "Hurry up or we are going to be late for your class"
Sofia: "Why do we need to show up on time? Mami and I are never on time for my tennis class"
Lionel: [just laughing, and looking at me]
Me: [embarrassed smile] “Sofia, the reason we are always late for your tennis class is that I come straight from work. And sometimes I just can’t leave work early, but it is important to show up on time to your class.
Sofia: [nothing further]
Bella: [oblivious]

So we finally made it to the class, and were happy to be on time.

We were surprised Sofia was the only girl. That she did not seem to mind. But she did not seem to have much fun either. I think the only reason why she went through the entire class was the promise that if she stayed, we would go to the playground next.

We think the class was just too slow for her. She stood there in the middle of the field, yawning at times because the ball rarely came her way. At some point they were put in pairs and practiced throwing and catching the ball. And Sofia was looking at the other kid as if he was the most boring person in the world.

The only time she seemed to enjoy the class was when she had her turn at bat. She did a great job with that.

Now the question is if she will want to go back. 

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