Monday, June 14, 2010

Negative thoughts

Today was a "blah" kind of day at work. I had things to do, but nothing that would cause my world to crumble if they didn't get done right away.

Days like these should be rather welcomed given the busy and extra stressful year I've had at work. But for some reason, instead of enjoying them I end up feeling like I am totally useless. While my friends are running around, working of high profile projects, I am just sitting here, wasting my time.

Days like these are bad because they allow me to have negative thoughts. And they make me question my being here Vs just being home and enjoying my girls.

So to continue with my "blah" kind of day, here are the top three things that have been really bugging me at work nowadays:

1) The new boss in my area has not officially met me yet. Obviously nobody told her I should be in her "MUST MEET" list. This, to me, tells her everything she really needs to know about me: I am just not that important around here.

2) My work friends are working together on a project, while I am on the sidelines. This invariably means they will get closer and closer, and I may end up feeling like the odd one out.

3) This last year I have worked extremely hard, like never before, and I feel like I will still find myself eating everybody else's dust.

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