Monday, June 7, 2010

Clutter me bad

If there's something I am 100% certain about, other than my love for my family, and my family's love for me, is that my house is not as clean as it could be.

It is not for the lack of effort. For instance, yesterday I spent the better half of my day cleaning the house. But you wouldn't know it by just looking around. It's just hard to keep up with the girls, who are always moving things out of place. Isabella is particularly bad, much worse than when Sofia was her age.

We had somebody who helped us for a short while, but she had to move away. It took me a while to trust her, so I did not feel like starting all over again with someone else. At least not yet. And our real problem is not that the house is really dirty anyway. We just have plenty of clutter EVERYWHERE. I have couple spots I have declared clutter-free zones, but even those have been taken over by the kids now and then.

Sometimes I wonder what people think when they come in, especially those who don't have kids. And I hope they don't think badly of me.

The truth is that clutter is no fun, but I know it won't last for long.

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