Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Lately I've been feeling pretty disconnected from everybody. Like I'm just going through the motions: work-home, work-home, work-home. The fact that the weather has been gray, haze, stormy, and in one word "depressing" definitely doesn't help. I need sunshine! Where did it go? Isn't this supposed to be the summer? Shouldn't I be by now enjoying the parks and the zoo with my kids, going to barbeques, wearing tank tops and shorts, eating on the deck?

And what happened to the days when every weekend you would hang out with your main group of friends, and the question was not whether or not you would see each other, but what exactly you would be doing? ... I know ... We got married, we had kids, we moved away. We still only have 24 hours in a day, but more people and activities to share it with. So something had to give.

I feel that for the most part I've managed to keep a social life. But it probably goes in spurts. And right now I am feeling somewhat forgotten. Have my friends given up on me? Do the things that matter to me still matter to them? Have they moved on and should I do the same?

Maybe tomorrow the clouds will go away...

1 comment:

  1. Amiga, no eres tu, asi estamos todos!!! A los dias le faltan horas y a las semanas un dia mas de fin de semana!!! Por eso el tiempo vuela, la rutina nos devora y la monotonia mata PERO hablame yo siempre estoy dispuesta a una platicadita nocturna, estamos rete cercas como dirian en mi pueblo.
    Y yo no te olvido, de hecho te iba a escribir nadamas acabara de ponerme al dia con tu blog, Jackie, llega el miercoles que entra, y el coincidentalemente se estaba armando algo el jueves pero decidi mejor hacer una reunion en mi casa, es un grupo muy grande de mamás latinas (basicamente esposas de proctereanos) lanzate (entre 7 y 8) asi conoces a la bola de viejas arguenderas ya Jacks. Un abrazote
