Monday, May 31, 2010

Hablemonos del Tu

Lately Isabella has started calling me by my first name: "Abi, Abi, Abiiiiii".

Technically that is correct, but that's not exactly what I would expect to be called by my 18 month old.

Obviously she is not saying it with any particular desire to bug me. She hears other people calling me that, so I guess she figures that's the right thing to say.

Still, I don't want her calling me that. Whenever she calls me “Abi” I gently remind her: "Es Mami. No Abi. Mami. Maaa-miiii". Lionel gets a kick out of it so he is not much help, but Sofia does try to help my case.

Hopefully one of these days we can make "Mami" stick again and her "Abi" go away.

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