Saturday, May 15, 2010

Any given day…

I rarely give this much thought, but every passing day we go through a full range of emotions. Some are just momentary, some may completely make or ruin our day, and some may even have a lasting effect.

Today I was particularly aware of my emotions, so I decided to write some of them down, along with whatever made them surface. Here we go…

Relaxation: Yoga rising class.

Anger: The older kids who kept taking things away from Isabella and being mean to her, while Sofia was getting her haircut, and the kids’ dad did absolutely nothing to keep them in check.

Disapproval: The teenager standing on the side of the road wearing a somewhat skimpy outfit, while holding up a “Free Carwash” sign.

Anxiety: All the senior citizens driving around Anderson Township who clearly should have their driver’s license revoked ASAP.

Anticipation: The upcoming vacation and all the fun things planned for the summer.

Pride: My sister’s MBA commencement ceremony.

Hope: Our small family able to come together for a special event.

Disappointment: Not hearing back yet from a once upon a time best friend.

Guilt: Leaving my children with a baby sitter not once, but twice today, because taking them with us would have been hell for all of us.

Happiness: Spending time with my family and my friends, while enjoying good health and the peace of mind that comes with stable lives.

Sadness: The good friends who are moving away soon because that is where life is taking them.

Gratitude: My mom taking care of the girls yet again.

Peace: Watching my kids sleep and writing this list to let go of the day.

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