Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Y Porque?!?

Kids ask lots of questions. Some are easy to answer, some not so much.

I'm usually good and try to answer to the best of my ability. But many times I quickly realize that Sofia is too young to understand the concept or that she doesn't yet have the vocabulary to know what I am talking about. And sometimes, she simply loses interest before I even give it a shot.

Here are a few of her questions, and my lame attempt to answer:

Sofia [all the time]: Mommy, why does it rain?
Me: When it's really hot, the water evaporates and goes up in the clouds. And then, when the clouds are too full, the water falls down again.
Sofia: Huh? Is it like when I can't hold it anymore and have to go pee?
Me: Sure. Kind of like that.

Sofia [Yesterday]: Mommy, why do boys and girls have different bathrooms?
Me: Because we have different needs when going to the bathroom.
Sofia: Huh?
Me: We have different body parts. Boys pee standing.
Sofia: Does grandpa know that?
Me: I'm pretty sure he does.

Sofia [At 3 years old]: How did Daddy put Bella in you belly?
Me: It was very easy. She was very little at the time.
Sofia: Yes, but how did he do it?
Me: Go ask Daddy.

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