Sunday, May 2, 2010

The beginning...

Today I realized that I have too many random thoughts to fit them into my Facebook status. So i decided that I wanted to start a blog. Out of nowhere I blurted this out to my husband who quickly responded: "Blogs have been around for so long, and you never showed any interest in them. So what are you going to write about?" ... It's not like I had given this too much thought. It was a brand new idea after all! So I simply said: "About my life, about the girls, about all the random things that happen to us every day".

So here I am...

While creating my blog step #1 was to give it a name ... hmmmm ... I hadn't thought much about that either. So I just chose a phrase that sometimes describes my girls so well:"Chicas Terremoto". Hope that is not too lame. But if it is, that is Ok. After all, I think I am really writing this for myself. Good thing I guess, considering that nobody else may come across these lines. I wonder how many blogs are even out there.

I am glad I am doing this. I should have started a long time ago. I love to write. I always did. When I was in school my classmates always used to dread writing papers, but I secretly loved every minute of it. We all have a guilty pleasure right?

I haven't quite figured out whether I should write in Spanish or English. Maybe it will depend on the day.

Good night to me.


  1. HCM's last goddess of TCC here.

    Chicas Terremoto? You have to translate that for this native English speaking chica. My spanish is dangerous at best.

    I an attest to the fact that you love to write. I remember all of your notes that you took during our transition. :)

  2. Hey there TCC Goddess ... notes? What notes? :) ...

    "Terremoto" literally means "earthquake" and chicas means "girls". I call them that because she have so much energy, and they have an incredible capacity to create a mess everywhere they go. So poetic right?
