Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What really matters...

So we did it! We officially survived Sofia's very first graduation.

The park looked beautiful; green everywhere you looked. And we couldn't have asked for better weather. Abuelitos, tia, and tio were also there to show their support.

The teachers welcomed all of us, talked about what a pleasure it has been to see the kids grow - which I am sure is true most of the time anyway - and made a point to emphasize how much the kids rehearsed to prepare for their special day.

The class then sang a song I did not quite recognize ... Sofia probably sang couple lines of it, although she never really got into it.
The class then sang "You are my sunshine" ... Sofia did not quite sing, but she did follow with the arm movements.
Then, as some sort of an inside joke, the class sang "Proud Mary". Yes, Tina Turner's song. But by then Sofia had abandoned all intentions to even pretend to participate.
After the kids got their fake diplomas we had our second chance at picture time. I promised Sofia a hundred times that this was really "the very last picture" before I finally let her run to the playground with her friends.

When we finally got home I asked her: "Did you like your graduation ceremony?" She said: "Yes". I then asked her what was her favorite part, to which she replied without hesitation: "When I went to the playground and played in the sand".

Enough said.

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