Thursday, May 20, 2010

Family Road Trip!

The time we’ve been anxiously waiting for has finally arrived: Our family vacation to the beach!

I have always been a planner, and I religiously rely on lists. So a couple weeks ago I started my “do not forget” list. And last night I started piling it all up in a place where it would be hard to miss, and the kids – especially Isabella – can’t get to it for now: Our dining room table.

It has not gone unnoticed that this “do not forget” list does NOT include one single clothing item or accessory of mine: no favorite dress, shoes, or earrings. Sure, I’ll need them all, but I will just grab them with whatever time and presence of mind I have left before we leave.

Tomorrow we are driving to Hilton Head, which is going to be a long drive. But it has its advantages, because when you travel with kids there’s just way too much stuff you might need. And this way we get to take it all with us. Besides, we have our secret weapon: Built in dual DVD players, so each kid can watch their own stuff.

Driving will also allow us to move at our own rhythm: No folding the stroller to get it through the metal detector while trying to hold on to Isabella and hoping Sofia stays in place. No taking everybody’s shoes off and then having to put them back on while trying to retrieve our suitcases AND trying not to hold the line. No getting dirty looks on the plane because this is the 50th time our kid has to go pee.

Yes, driving is the best choice for us for now. It will also have its own challenges, but I think we’ll do fine. We just have to make sure our “do not forget” items come with us.

The List:

Baby wipes, Kandoo wipes, Clorox Wipes, paper towels, napkins, tissues…
Regular diapers, night diapers, swim diapers, portable potty, extra bags for portable potty…
Fruit, cereal, water, juice, milk, snacks, plastic knives, spoons and forks, paper plates…
Tons of sun block, Sofia’s noodle for swimming, floating thingies, toys to play in the sand, bag for toys to play in the sand, base for girls’ umbrella, girls’ umbrella…
Portable DVD for the house, Isabella’s DVDs, Sofia’s DVDs, Books, crayons, paper, toys…
Camera, camera charger, camcorder, camcorder charger, home computer, charger for home computer, iPod, thing to listen to our iPod through the radio…
Pink and yellow beach mat, beach towels, beach bag, trash bags…
Travel size Tide, travel size fabric softener, travel size dish washer…

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