Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Greetings from...

This afternoon we stopped by a CVS to get couple quick things for the girls. On our way out, right next to the register, there was this thing holding a variety of Hilton Head postcards. "Wow!" I thought. I had not seen or at least paid attention to one of those in a very long time.

So, as I was patiently waiting in line, that really made me wonder: "Are postcards obsolete? Is there anybody out there who still sends them?"

I seriously do not remember the last time I sent a postcard. I know I did it at some point in the late 90s, when thanks to school I was lucky enough to start traveling outside of Mexico.  I also remember receiving them and being really happy about it, because that meant somebody thought of me while they were far away, having fun.

But nowadays that is not necessarily the first thing I would think about. After all, it's not like you can even trust they won't get lost somewhere along the way.

And who wants to wait for couple weeks to get an old picture when you can just take a new one and text it, tweet it, upload it to Facebook, or email it right away? And if you were not fortunate enough at the time to have your camera or your cell phone with you, is it Ok to just tell your friends "I was there, if you want to see some good pictures you can Google it"?

Ok, so maybe that last one is kind if rude. But my question still remains:  Can postcards really survive in this world of instant gratification? ... I am thinking not.

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