Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's music to my ears...

I don't play the piano. I don't play the guitar. I was never in a band, and I can't sing to save my life. I don't go out of my way to find new radio stations, and I am not a music connoisseur, but I still love music, just as much as any of you.

Music has the amazing power to make us happy, to make us sad, to calm our anger, to help us connect with each other, and to bring memories back to life.

I clearly remember the first song that actually made me cry. I can still hear it in my head: "Si quieres verme llorar, dime que ya no me quieres" ... "If you want to see me cry, tell me that you no longer love me". I was probably about 5 years old. At the time I did not know that this song was probably about two lovers about to go their separate ways. But I obviously understood that not being loved was something worth crying about.

I also vividly remember getting my heart broken as a young woman and listening to songs that depicted my state of mind: "Thank you for breaking my heart, thank you for tearing me apart...", "if you leave I won't cry I won't waste one single day. But if you leave don't look back...", "Here's where the story ends...". Listening to them was painful, but somehow it also seemed like the only way to temporarily let go of the sorrow that only time would take away for good.

But let's not forget about upbeat songs! Upbeat songs can make a good day even brighter. They can make you smile, can make you dance, and can fill your heart with pure and endless joy. I also find that with happy songs I am more willing to overlook awful, superficial lyrics. After all, who cares what the song is about as long as you can happily shake it? ... I know the 90's were definitely full of those ... "I am so sexy for my body, so sexy for my body...", "Informer, blah, blah, blah, a licky boom-boom down". What was up with those songs?!? But I loved dancing to them! So dumb or not, they still have a special place in my heart because they will forever remind me of my college days.

It's weird how some songs stay in my head even if I have not heard them in a long, long time. Somehow I still remember every single word in them. How I wish I could say the same about all the things I learned in school.

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go download some music..

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