Monday, May 17, 2010

Isabella and the Hippos

Isabella is transferring to the toddler room this week, a clear indication that my baby is my baby no more. Of course it's not really a surprise; we've known this for a few months now. She can walk, run, go up and down the stairs, clumsily use a spoon, and say a few words. She is also a master at pulling everything out of place, enjoys playing with her food, can hold her own against her 5 year old sister, and can even throw a few - and thankfully short- tantrums. Toddler indeed...

Transition week won't be easy: New classroom, new teachers, new friends, new routine. But kids are resilient, so I know she'll be ok. And I know she is going to love the "Hippos" classroom as much as Sofia did when she was there.

So Isabella is my baby no more. And that makes me sad in a way, but that's ok because that doesn't change the fact that she'll forever be my girl.

1 comment:

  1. Gluuup ojito Remi neeerd!!!! Me veo en tus zapatos totalemente, y solo faltan 9 meses mas.... Que Shock!
