Friday, May 28, 2010

Back to reality...

Well, this is it. Our beach vacation is now officially over. Tomorrow we get to pack all our stuff, and head back home. Not that going home is a particularly bad thing. We are lucky to go back to a nice comfortable home, and to our friends and family that love us.

The real downside is having to go back to work. After a full week away, who knows what "surprises" we might find on day one. Good thing we are going back to a somewhat short week. That in itself should help decrease the pain.

But I am going to miss spending all day with my girls. It's been nice just playing with them without having all my chores in the back of my head: "Should I be instead fixing dinner, attempting to de-clutter the house, or rushing to get them into bed so they can be ready for the following day?". But I know I am lucky to have a job, so I'll try not to complain too much.

Tomorrow we are going back home, but we are not going empty handed as we bring back some fun family memories. And we are also more relaxed, and thankful we had the chance to recharge and reconnect with each other.

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