Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The visit...

When I announced to Sofia that she had her 5 year checkup today I tried to sound as calmed and relaxed as possible. I did not want her to notice the slight hint of concern in my voice. "They are just going to see how big I am now. Right mami?" she said, with more than a slight hint of worry in her voice. I knew what she really wanted to know: "Are they going to give me any shots?". So I said what I usually say when I do not know what to answer, I know she is not going to like it, or I just need to delay my response: "I don't know. We'll see".

The weather was terrible. It was pouring down rain, and the sky was so dark that it really invited you to stay inside. This did not go unnoticed by Sofia who told me as we were about to get ready: "I think we can't go to the Doctor. And I think I can't go to school today because it is raining too much". Nice try ...

She got dressed in full rain gear, and we headed to the doctor's office. She did great answering all their questions, letting them check her blood pressure, and all that. Then, the dreaded moment arrived: The Doctor said she would be getting shots. I suspected she would get one, but when he said she would get 3, I cringed and she buried her face in her hands. Poor Sofia...

So the doctor left, and I asked her if she wanted to sit on my lap, to which she said yes. I was fully expecting she would totally lose it but she hung in there, just sobbing softly, waiting for the nurse to come. When the nurse finally came, she was so fast, yet so gentle and empathetic, that Sofia never knew what hit her. It was over so quickly, that she even looked surprised.

Before we left, she got one sticker for each shot she got. Her choices? Dora, Barbie, and Ariel. And just like that, the Doctor's visit was over, and we were once again, just outside, my girl smiling and walking in the rain.

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