Monday, May 10, 2010

Not necessarily name calling, but...

I don't like it when people call me "Ma'am". It is like nails in chalkboard. A piercing sound to my delicate ears.

I think it is because it makes me feel like they are talking to my mom, my mother in law, or a much older version of myself. I know people do it out of respect, because they have been told that's the polite thing to say. But it just doesn't feel like ME.

The other day we went to a restaurant where, for once, I wasn't called "Ma'am", and I almost got up and kissed the guy. I literally thanked him, much to my family's embarrassment I am sure, for NOT calling me that.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with just leaving it at: "Thanks for visiting us today", "Thanks for your purchase, come back again", or "Hope you enjoyed your meal". Why does everything have to end with "Ma'am"? Most of the times it is people older than me calling me that, which is particularly odd. So I just think to myself: "Don't "ma'am" me! You are the ma'am".

Strange enough, it does not really bother me when people misspell my name. And it happens all the time. "Abi" becomes "Abbey", "Abbeey", etc. It does not bug me because I figure that's just how my name sounds to them. So if writing it that way helps them remember it, I am ok with that.

It doesn't even bug me when they tell me: "I used to have a dog named Abbey".
At least dogs are men's best friend.

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