Friday, May 14, 2010

Date night

Friday night has to be the most relaxing night around here. Once the girls are in bed, Lionel and I get to catch up on all the TV shows we taped during the week. We get to sit around and relax, without worrying about getting ready for the next day. It is our "Date night", except that we don't have to worry about dressing up, choosing the restaurant, and so forth. It may sound lame, but to us it's actually pretty sweet. When you run around all day at work and then come home to chase the kids, sitting around is simply as good as it gets.

The tough decisions on a Friday night: "What show are we watching first?", "What are we having for dessert?", and "Who is going to go get it?" For some reason, "Who is getting the best seat?" is not one of them. I just get it by default, which allows me to sit here with the computer on my lap and, well, multitask.

So this was another good night. It is 11:16 and I think we are on our last show as we are seriously staring to yawn. Time to go to bed, but not before stopping by and kissing the girls good night.

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