Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Once a loser, always a loser?

When I was in school I never EVER failed a class. I have never failed any professional exams either. I did come close to failing couple classes when I was in college, but somehow, probably due to collective misery and last minute teacher mercy, I managed to get a passing score.

But I wonder how difficult it would have been to get a passing score later on if I had failed the first time around. Maybe the pressure would have been too much. Maybe I would have lost all my confidence and would have convinced myself that those classes were just too much for me.

Once we fail once, are we that much likely to fail again?!?

Couple weeks ago I "scratched" my car. It was not THAT bad, I just hit a car as I was trying to park my big SUV in a tight parking spot. The problem is, this is not the first time I do something like that in a parking lot. So this makes me ask the following questions: Is this really a sign that I am a danger on the road? Is it a matter of time before I get myself into a more serious accident? Should I be prominently featured in one of those videos that make fun of bad women drivers?

My husband might thing so. And quite frankly, I have to wonder that myself. This self doubt of course makes me less of a confident driver, and therefore also makes me more likely to make the same mistake again.

So I need to figure out how to shake this feeling that "it will happen again", and hopefully I can do it FAST! I don't want to get in trouble again, and I certainly don't want to cause anybody any harm.

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