Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Preschool graduation?!? .... Pleeaaaassseeee .... Who celebrates THAT?!? ...

That was exactly my reaction the first time I heard somebody saying they were attending a preschool graduation ceremony. I mean ... it is not like finishing preschool takes that much effort. Right?

Fast forward a few years, and two kids later, and all of a sudden the idea does not seem as ridiculous and far fetched as it once did. And I am pretty sure it has to do with the fact that this time around we are talking about MY kid.

Sofia's preschool graduation is tomorrow night. There will be no real diploma, no speeches, no pressure. This graduation is really kind of a free pass. But she is excited, and we are excited for her. So this is going to be fun.

The teachers have put together a graduation package for each one of the kids. Sofia's says: "Most likely to be: Art Teacher". She loves to draw, so I know they are not too far off ... for now anyways. It will be interesting to see what she really turns out to be.

We have been reminded several times to bring lawn chairs to the park, to recharge our camera batteries and, most importantly, to bring some tissues. I of course think I will not be needing the tissues since I am not usually a crier. But once I see Sofia singing with her little friends, saying her goodbyes, and telling me how she is ready to go to her "big girl school", I just might.

I know this "graduation" is really just the beginning. And I know we [hopefully] have several real graduations ahead of us. But I also know that does not mean this one is not special in its own little way. Because, most of all, this one means that our little girl has outgrown her first home away from home. And she is ready for new adventures, whether we want it or not.

So my most sincere congratulations to my very special Goddard School Dolphin, class of 2010.

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