Friday, May 28, 2010

To trust or not to trust

This morning we went to the beach one last time. The girls and I were playing in the sand, Monique was sitting down by our towels, and Lionel was standing a few feet from us, talking to this dad.

I was looking down, helping dig a hole, when all of a sudden I heard a voice I did not recognize talking to me. So I looked up and saw this random guy standing right there, holding a nice camera. He introduced himself as "Jeff" and said he was a photography student. He then asked if it would be Ok with me if he took a few shots of the girls and I. He did look like he could be a college student, so I figured he was probably just doing a school project. I then asked: "And what are you going to do with them?" He said he was going to publish them, and that if I wanted he could email them to me as well.

My usual self probably would have kindly told him to "get lost". But I guess I was in a really good and trusting mood, so I told him that would be Ok. He took a few shots and then walked away to get his iPhone. He wrote my email address, and then left for good.

After he left, Lionel came over and asked me what was that about. "He just wanted to take a few pictures ... and my phone number", I said. "Ha Ha", said Lionel, "Funny girl".

If he was indeed a photography student, I hope he got some good shots of the girls and that he does send them to me later on. And if he was just a freak, I hope he got some really bad ones, and they don't do him any good.

In the meantime, here are a few of my shots of the girls.

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