Monday, May 24, 2010

Down memory lane...

When I look at my Sofia I can hardly believe my eyes. She is only 5, but she is such a big girl now.

Today at the beach I was taking pictures of her and Isabella. And it felt like it was just yesterday that I was taking pictures of Sofia's baby face, chubby arms, and sweet loving smile.

They really grow so fast...

Later in the afternoon we were watching a TV show where a little girl about her age was talking about wanting to be a firefighter when she grows up. So I asked Sofia what does she want to be when she grows up. Her answer was the same as many times before. With a big proud smile she told me: "I am going to be a mommy". I then asked her is there was something else she was going to do to which she replied: "I am going to take care of my little sister". Yep, that sounds like the Sofia I know and love.

So we then went about our day, with her playing big sister time and time again.

At the end of the day I tucked her in bed and stayed with her for a few minutes as I always do. But here's a change: We are in a strange city, in a strange house, and she was Ok staying in a separate bedroom all by herself. The first night I was fully expecting she would come looking for us in the middle of the night. But she never did, bittersweet for me.

After saying my final good night, as I was about to walk away, she told me one last time: "Mami, I love you".

I love you too Sofia, more than you will ever know.

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